Monday 27 July 2009

Love yourself!

I have battled with my weight since I was young. I have tried it all when it comes to fad diets and new workouts....and I can tell you now the only thing that works in this a proper diet and regular exercise - END OF!!!!

I did have a shit self body image and airbrushed images of perfection that are plastered everywhere don't help my perception - but I'm glad to say now that on most days I can look in the mirror and actually see myself for what I am and not what the demons in my head see's! I love myself as I am curves, flaws, cellulite, hair patches and all!

I saw this and it made me laugh -

I hope none of you are resorting to this....instead if you want to lose some pounds try these steps

1. Look in the mirror and note all the things you love about yourself!
N.B. and you're not gunna love yourself standing pigeon toed, shoulders slumped, chin pressed to chest and frowning- so stand tall and smile!

2. Cut out the shit from your diet - drinks more water and eat more fresh fruit, plus it's cheaper!

3. Try going for a brisk walk couple times a week, later, turn this in to a run a couple times a week!

and lastly ....this one's is really important
4. If there are people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself - get rid of them! i.e. drop 'em, cut them off, kick 'em to the curb!

Bet you feel 10lbs lighter already!! ; )

Featured product: SlimRay

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