Saturday 16 October 2010

a very naked reflection

I do some dumb things sometimes that make me question why I don’t listen and why I’m so slow to learn from my own lessons till I’ve let history repeat itself at least 3 times. I’m only human and I’m starting to see that in my behaviour - I’m ticking the 25-30 box and I theres things about myself that I need to fix up on. I suppose I’m putting this out there to show my sudden realisation that my life journey so far is a beautiful path tarred with speak/ act before thinking situations, created by myself...I’m not being hard on myself, trust me!
I’m currently remorseful of my selfish actions but I’m also positive that I will start to get things right in light of the bigger picture, to being a better person to the ones who really matter all the time, a better elephant if you must.

I crash around and get play in the mud, make a scene, make a mess, then get clean up and after a bit do it all over again – I can only do that so many times before people stop paying attention.