Sunday 8 May 2011

Here's what you've missed!

The last 2 weeks of bank holiday freeness, working, drinking, smoking, partying and generally throwing caution to the wind has left me with a few post birthday blues, but before I get that off my chest...

Just wanted to share some beautiful moments of the last 2 weeks with you since I was too consumed to blog.

this soothes me my mind!

Bank Holiday raves are the bestest - Living Proof is always a good shout. Me and running-on-black-people-time-late-but-always-on-time besty had fun

and it was good to see my jojo back in the country also!

These two young lovebirds got hitched, sending out some positive love vibes. I could have been really patriotic and gone into london and watched this but instead I watched form the comfort of a's the money shot!

Happy Birthday Me!!!
Thanks to everyone who happen to randomly be there to celebrate my birthday and also s/o to @forever_famous for the pics, you can see more of his work and opinions here

more snaps courtesy of everyone else who came and shared my birthday drinks and BBQ

NB: 2 of my favorite people, lee and mich - together we are the 3 dancing monkeys :p

THANKS for everyone who took part in the last 2 weeks and especially to my family especially parents who despite our difference always have my back!

At 28, I spent this last week half working, half progressing but also taking a couple steps back to reflect and generally act like a mad woman and allowing all my inner fears, paranoia and insecurities rise to the surface. But fear not, their firmly out of my system and even though I am slightly ashamed of my actions, my misdirected venting that went sideways...I cant help but be my self and express my self when I do, as I do. I'm not completely evil or anything - just a bit 'bipolar' someone perfectly called it!

Here's to being one year older, wiser, faster, stronger!

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