Monday 9 May 2011

The Rules

Up late and between writing my weekly plan and watching How to lose friends and alienate people (irony is too much right now) My friend Shadez The Misfit was on the Twitter, giving us his #rulesofagentlemen
N.B. Mark my words 'Shadez' is a gentlemen and will continue to grow into a fine man one day

His rules do sound like he's tryna convince the ladies a bit but he states some real gems that should just come as standard with men; proving that gentlemen do exist!
here's some of my fav tweets from his gentlemens guide:

Shadez The Misfit
You came from a woman .... Basic respect

Shadez The Misfit
Good hygiene is a MUST!!
Shadez The Misfit
Kiss her spontaneously in the middle of her sentence

Shadez The Misfit
Ok so this is the last for the night : have a day for just you and her .... She will love the one on one time inspired byt the love it made me to want tweet the things that I was thinking! The sweet nothings that count for so much in a romantic situations that people forget: #sweetnothingsthatcountforalot
I started writing these as a way of letting someone know on the sly that I was grateful for them and also just to remind people out there, that it's the little things that count:

Dancing around with your tiny feet on his big size 11 feet .....

Smiling at you across a crowded room n makin you feel like the most special person there without sayin a word

Missmistry it to him too
All these rules got me thinking and wondering about different rules, to counter the Gentlemen ones. What Shadez was expressing, just basic common courtesy's and they shouldn't be ignored! So I went onto a popular search engine and I came across some fun sites about rules for women including these:We women stand for a lot but rate ourselves so little! Also I thought some of these womens rules were a good point of reference and things your mother/sister/aunty/grandmother teach you.

Or my personal fav -

Rule No. 148

When in public, never forget that you have no idea who is around you. If you are “talking trash” about someone, you never know which one of their friends might be right behind you. Whenever in public, keep it nice and sweet. It will only pay off in the long run.

Rule No. 141

If you have the opportunity to go to The Masters the answer is always YES! Rearrange whatever you have to rearrange. No one will be mad at you andeveryone will understand.

Rule No. 133

It’s never a bad idea to know how you plan to pose in pictures for the night based on the outfit and shoes you are wearing. Take a couple minutes to practice in the mirror and decide which poses make you look absolutely fabulous. I mean really, who does not like to be prepared?

I could post these all day...the sites go on for miles...who makes up these rules?? And who's to say there isn’t a rule that counters another there a rule loop hole??

I reiterate my point that a majority of these rules are common and nothing new. They have been passed down through history but have been watered down and forgotten along the way; they should definitely be followed as a way of making the world a better place.

You shouldn't be surprised when a man holds out your chair or a women is strong/bold with her feelings...the other things with rules is that you can make up your own set to live by...rules eh!

My last rule for tonight....Rules are made to be broken

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